Monday 14 February 2011

Ruby Red final video and evaluation

Evaluation of video
All in all our group is very pleased with the video we have created. It took a lot of time and effort to make but i think we have all impressed ourselves. I think the amount of effort we put into the video by going out into an alley and changing into lots of different outfits in the cold has paid off as the video looks really good. We changed our mind about the songs as we played around with making the video as the Rihanna song was too slow for the video and didn't fit in with the style we were looking for so we decided to change the song to a more upbeat happy song and this definitely worked better. I have really enjoyed making the stop motion video as it's something i have never had ago at making before and i think it's a very effective way of creating a video. I think i will try it again some time! 

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Pink - Raise your glass

We are using this song for our video now because we think it suits the video better as it is much more happy and lively and in our video we are smiling on quite a few of the shots. We found that the Rihanna song was too serious for the kind of video we created and the music didn't fit with the mood of the video as it didn't have a striking beat like 'Raise your Glass'. It's also Paige's favourite song!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Film Proposal

We are going to make a 3 minute film using 6 models : Me, Carmen, Paige, Charl, Dave and Joe.
We are all taking it in turns to walk towards the camera and pose in different ways.
Then we will all be on the shot walking towards the camera and posing.
After everyone has walked once they will appear again but with a different outfit on and do a different pose and walking a different way from the time before.

Film song - Rihanna Russian Roulette

Rihanna - Russian Roulette
This is the song we are using for our film. This video inspired us as she changes into many different outfits and she has a very unique fashion. We wanted to show this in our film but in our own style, changing dresses, leggings, jumpers, heels etc to create the same kind of effect. We shot this in a rustic alley way with graffiti walls and glass on the floor to create a rough and dangerous look.

Introduction to video
We have been asked to create a stop motion video and this can be on any theme of our choice. We can work individually or in a group as long as everyone in the group takes part in making the video. The video should be at least 3 minutes long and initially should have a song with it. We need to research stop motion videos and create our on test video to get an idea of what we need to do. Our development should be regularly updated on our blogs to show our working progress.